Source code for brainstorm.value_modifiers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from brainstorm.describable import Describable
from brainstorm.randomness import Seedable

[docs]class ValueModifier(Seedable, Describable): """ ValueModifiers can be installed in a :class:`Network` to affect either the parameters or the gradients. """ __undescribed__ = {'layer_name', 'view_name'} def __init__(self): super(ValueModifier, self).__init__() self.layer_name = '' self.view_name = '' def __call__(self, handler, view): raise NotImplementedError() def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{}.{}>".format(self.layer_name, self.view_name, self.__class__.__name__)
class GradientModifier(Seedable, Describable): __undescribed__ = {'layer_name', 'view_name'} def __init__(self): super(GradientModifier, self).__init__() self.layer_name = '' self.view_name = '' def __call__(self, handler, parameters, gradients): raise NotImplementedError() def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{}.{}>".format(self.layer_name, self.view_name, self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class ConstrainL2Norm(ValueModifier): """ Constrains the L2 norm of the incoming weights to every neuron/unit to be less than or equal to a limit. If the L2 norm for any unit exceeds the limit, the weights are rescaled such that the squared L2 norm equals the limit. Ignores Biases. Should be added to the network via the set_weight_modifiers method like so: >> net.set_weight_modifiers(RnnLayer={'HX': ConstrainL2Norm()}) See Network.set_weight_modifiers for more information on how to control which weights to affect. """ def __init__(self, limit): super(ConstrainL2Norm, self).__init__() self.limit = limit def __call__(self, handler, view): if len(view.shape) < 2: return mat = view.reshape((view.shape[0], view.size // view.shape[0])) sq_norm = handler.allocate((view.shape[0], 1)) divisor = handler.allocate(sq_norm.shape) # FIXME: use handler operations for this handler.sum_t(mat * mat, axis=1, out=sq_norm) handler.mult_st(1 / self.limit, sq_norm ** 0.5, out=divisor) handler.clip_t(divisor, a_min=1.0, a_max=np.finfo(handler.dtype).max, out=divisor) handler.divide_mv(mat, divisor, mat) def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{}.ConstrainL2Norm to {:0.4f}>"\ .format(self.layer_name, self.view_name, self.limit)
[docs]class ClipValues(ValueModifier): """ Clips (limits) the weights to be between low and high. Defaults to low=-1 and high=1. Should be added to the network via the set_weight_modifiers method like so: >> net.set_weight_modifiers(RnnLayer={'HR': ClipValues()}) See Network.set_weight_modifiers for more information on how to control which weights to affect. """ def __init__(self, low=-1., high=1.): super(ClipValues, self).__init__() self.low = low self.high = high def __call__(self, handler, view): handler.clip_t(view, self.low, self.high, view) def __repr__(self): return "<{}.{}.ClipValues [{:0.4f}; {:0.4f}]>"\ .format(self.layer_name, self.view_name, self.low, self.high)
[docs]class MaskValues(ValueModifier): """ Multiplies the weights elementwise with the mask. This can be used to clamp some of the weights to zero. Should be added to the network via the set_weight_modifiers method like so: >> net.set_weight_modifiers(RnnLayer={'HR': MaskValues(M)}) See Network.set_weight_modifiers for more information on how to control which weights to affect. """ __undescribed__ = {'device_mask'} def __init__(self, mask): super(MaskValues, self).__init__() assert isinstance(mask, np.ndarray) self.mask = mask self.device_mask = None def __call__(self, handler, view): if (self.device_mask is None or not isinstance(self.device_mask, handler.array_type)): self.device_mask = handler.allocate(self.mask.shape) handler.set_from_numpy(self.device_mask, self.mask) handler.mult_tt(view, self.device_mask, view)
[docs]class FreezeValues(ValueModifier): """ Prevents the weights from changing at all. If the weights argument is left at None it will remember the first weights it sees and resets them to that every time. Should be added to the network via the set_constraints method like so: >> net.set_constraints(RnnLayer={'HR': FreezeValues()}) See Network.set_constraints for more information on how to control which weights to affect. """ __undescribed__ = {'weights', 'device_weights'} def __init__(self, weights=None): super(FreezeValues, self).__init__() self.weights = weights self.device_weights = None def __call__(self, handler, view): if self.weights is None: self.weights = handler.get_numpy_copy(view) if (self.device_weights is None or not isinstance(self.device_weights, handler.array_type)): self.device_weights = handler.allocate(self.weights.shape) handler.set_from_numpy(self.device_weights, self.weights) handler.copy_to(self.device_weights, view)
[docs]class L1Decay(GradientModifier): """ Applies L1 weight decay. New gradients = gradients + factor * sign(parameters) """ def __init__(self, factor): super(L1Decay, self).__init__() self.factor = factor def __call__(self, handler, parameters, gradients): tmp = handler.zeros(parameters.shape) handler.sign_t(parameters, out=tmp) handler.mult_add_st(self.factor, tmp, out=gradients)
[docs]class L2Decay(GradientModifier): """ Applies L2 weight decay. New gradients = gradients + factor * parameters """ def __init__(self, factor): super(L2Decay, self).__init__() self.factor = factor def __call__(self, handler, parameters, gradients): handler.mult_add_st(self.factor, parameters, out=gradients)