
In this walkthrough we go over the cifar10_cnn.py example in the examples directory. This example explains the basics of using brainstorm and helps you get started with your own project.

Prior to running this example, you will need to prepare the CIFAR-10 dataset for brainstorm. This can be done by running the create_cifar10.py script in the data directory. A detailed description of how to prepare your data for brainstorm can be found in Data Format.

We start the cifar10_cnn.py example by importing the essential features we will need later:

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os

import h5py

import brainstorm as bs
from brainstorm.data_iterators import Minibatches
from brainstorm.handlers import PyCudaHandler
from brainstorm.initializers import Gaussian

Next we set the seed for the global random number generator in Brainstorm. By doing so we are sure that our experiment is reproducible.


Let’s now load the CIFAR-10 dataset from the HDF5 file, which we prepared earlier. Next we create a Minibatches iterator for the training set and validation set. Here we specify that we want to use a batch size of 100, and that the image data and targets should be named ‘default’ and ‘targets’ respectively.

data_dir = os.environ.get('BRAINSTORM_DATA_DIR', '../data')
data_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'CIFAR-10.hdf5')
ds = h5py.File(data_file, 'r')['normalized_split']

getter_tr = Minibatches(100, default=ds['training']['default'][:], targets=ds['training']['targets'][:])
getter_va = Minibatches(100, default=ds['validation']['default'][:], targets=ds['validation']['targets'][:])

In the next step we use a simple helper tool to create two important layers. The first layer is an Input layer which takes external inputs named ‘default’ and ‘targets’ (these names are the default names used by this tool and can be altered by specifying different names). Every layer in brainstorm has a name, and by default this layer will simply be named ‘Input’.

The second layer is a fully-connected layer which produces 10 outputs, and is assigned the name ‘Output_projection’ by default. In the background, a SoftmaxCE layer (named ‘Output’ by default) is added, which will apply the softmax function and compute the appropriate cross-entropy loss using the targets. At the same time this loss is wired to a Loss layer, which marks that this is a value to be minimized.

inp, fc = bs.tools.get_in_out_layers('classification', (32, 32, 3), 10)

In brainstorm we can wire up our network by using the >> operator. The layer syntaxes below should be self-explanatory. Any layer connected to other layers can now be passed to from_layer to create a new network. Note that each layer is assigned a name, which will be used later.

(inp >>
    bs.layers.Convolution2D(32, kernel_size=(5, 5), padding=2, name='Conv1') >>
    bs.layers.Pooling2D(type="max", kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2)) >>
    bs.layers.Convolution2D(32, kernel_size=(5, 5), padding=2, name='Conv2') >>
    bs.layers.Pooling2D(type="max", kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2)) >>
    bs.layers.Convolution2D(64, kernel_size=(5, 5), padding=2, name='Conv3') >>
    bs.layers.Pooling2D(type="max", kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2)) >>
    bs.layers.FullyConnected(64, name='FC') >>

network = bs.Network.from_layer(fc)

We would like to use CUDA to speed up our network training, so we simply set the network’s handler to be the PyCudaHandler. This line is not needed if we do not have, or do not want to use the GPU – the default handler is the NumpyHandler.


In the next line we initialize the weights of our network with a simple dictionary, using the names that were assigned to the layers before. Note that we can use wildcards here!

We specify that:

  • For each layer name beginning with ‘Conv’, the ‘W’ parameter should be initialized using a Gaussian distribution with std. dev. 0.01, and the ‘bias’ parameter should be set to zero.
  • The parameter ‘W’ of the layers named ‘FC’ and ‘Output_projection’ should be initialized using a Gaussian distribution with std. dev. 0.1. The ‘bias’ parameter of these layers should be set to zero.

Note that ‘Output_projection’ is the default name of the final layer created by the helper over which the softmax is computed.

network.initialize({'Conv*': {'W': Gaussian(0.01), 'bias': 0},
                    'FC': {'W': Gaussian(0.1), 'bias': 0},
                    'Output_projection': {'W': Gaussian(0.1), 'bias': 0}})

Next we create the trainer for which we specify that we would like to use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with momentum.

Additionally we add a hook to the trainer, which will produce a progress bar during each epoch, to keep track of training.

trainer = bs.Trainer(bs.training.MomentumStepper(learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9))

We would like to check the accuracy of the network on our validation set after each epoch. In order to do so we will make use of a hook.

The SoftmaxCE layer named ‘Output’ produces an output named ‘probabilities’ (the other output it produces is named ‘loss’). We tell the Accuracy scorer that this output should be used for computing the accuracy using the dotted notation <layer_name>.<view_type>.<view_name>.

Next we set the scorers in the trainer and create a MonitorScores hook. Here we specify that the trainer will provide access to a data iterator named ‘valid_getter’, as well as the scorers which will make use of this data.

scorers = [bs.scorers.Accuracy(out_name='Output.outputs.probabilities')]
trainer.train_scorers = scorers
trainer.add_hook(bs.hooks.MonitorScores('valid_getter', scorers, name='validation'))

Additionally we would like to save the network every time the validation accuracy improves, so we add a hook for this too. We tell the hook that another hook named ‘validation’ is logging something called ‘Accuracy’ and that the network should be saved whenever this value is at its maximum.

                                          name='best weights',

Finally, we add a hook to stop training after 20 epochs.


We are now ready to train! We provide the trainer with the network to train, the training data iterator, and the validation data iterator (to be used by the hook for monitoring the validation accuracy).

trainer.train(network, getter_tr, valid_getter=getter_va)

All quantities logged by the hooks are collected by the trainer, which we can examine post training.

print("Best validation accuracy:", max(trainer.logs["validation"]["Accuracy"]))