Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import h5py
import numpy as np
import six

from brainstorm import layers, Network, initializers
from brainstorm.scorers import (aggregate_losses_and_scores,
from import run_network
from brainstorm.utils import get_by_path, get_brainstorm_info

__all__ = ['draw_network', 'evaluate', 'extract', 'extract_and_save',
           'print_network_info', 'get_in_out_layers', 'create_net_from_spec']

[docs]def draw_network(network, file_name='network.png'): """Write a diagram for a network to a file. Args: network (brainstorm.structure.Network): Network to be drawn. file_name (Optional[str]): Defaults to 'network.png'. Note: This tool requires the pygraphviz library to be installed. Raises: ImportError: If pygraphviz can not be imported. """ try: import pygraphviz as pgv graph = pgv.AGraph(directed=True) for k, v in network.architecture.items(): for out_view, dest_list in v['@outgoing_connections'].items(): for dest in dest_list: graph.add_edge(k, dest.split('.')[0]) graph.draw(file_name, prog='dot') print('Network drawing saved as {}'.format(file_name)) try: from IPython.display import Image return Image(filename=file_name) except ImportError: return None except ImportError as err: print("pygraphviz is required for drawing networks but was not found.") raise err
[docs]def evaluate(network, iter, scorers=(), out_name='', targets_name='targets', mask_name=None): """Evaluate one or more scores for a network. This tool can be used to evaluate scores of a trained network on test data. Args: network (brainstorm.structure.Network): Network to be evaluated. iter (brainstorm.DataIterator): A data iterator which produces the data on which the scores are computed. scorers (tuple[brainstorm.scorers.Scorer]): A list or tuple of Scorers. out_name (Optional[str]): Name of the network output which is scored against the targets. targets_name (Optional[str]): Name of the targets data provided by the data iterator (``iter``). mask_name (Optional[str]): Name of the mask data provided by the data iterator (``iter``). """ iterator = iter(handler=network.handler) scores = {scorer.__name__: [] for scorer in scorers} for n in network.get_loss_values(): scores[n] = [] for _ in run_network(network, iterator): network.forward_pass() gather_losses_and_scores( network, scorers, scores, out_name=out_name, targets_name=targets_name, mask_name=mask_name) return aggregate_losses_and_scores(scores, network, scorers)
[docs]def extract(network, iter, buffer_names): """Apply the network to some data and return the requested buffers. Batches are returned as a dictionary, with one entry for each requested buffer, with the data in (T, B, ...) order. Args: network (brainstorm.structure.Network): Network using which the features should be generated. iter (brainstorm.DataIterator): A data iterator which produces the data on which the features are computed. buffer_names (list[unicode]): Name of the buffer views to be saved (in dotted notation). Returns: dict[unicode, np.ndarray] """ iterator = iter(handler=network.handler) if isinstance(buffer_names, six.string_types): buffer_names = [buffer_names] nr_examples = list(iter.data_shapes.values())[0][1] return_data = {} nr_items = 0 for _ in run_network(network, iterator, all_inputs=False): network.forward_pass() first_pass = False if len(return_data) == len(buffer_names) else True for num, buffer_name in enumerate(buffer_names): data = network.get(buffer_name) if num == 0: nr_items += data.shape[1] if first_pass: data_shape = (data.shape[0], nr_examples) + data.shape[2:] return_data[buffer_name] = np.zeros(data_shape, data.dtype) return_data[buffer_name][:, nr_items - data.shape[1]:nr_items] = \ data return return_data
[docs]def extract_and_save(network, iter, buffer_names, file_name): """Save the desired buffer values of a network to an HDF5 file. In particular, this tool can be used to save the predictions of a network on a dataset. In general, any number of internal, input or output buffers of the network can be extracted. Examples: >>> getter = Minibatches(100, default=x_test) >>> extract_and_save(network, ... getter, ... ['Output.outputs.predictions', ... 'Hid1.internals.H'], ... 'network_features.hdf5') Args: network (brainstorm.structure.Network): Network using which the features should be generated. iter (brainstorm.DataIterator): A data iterator which produces the data on which the features are computed. buffer_names (list[unicode]): Name of the buffer views to be saved (in dotted notation). See example. file_name (unicode): Name of the hdf5 file (including extension) in which the features should be saved. """ iterator = iter(handler=network.handler) if isinstance(buffer_names, six.string_types): buffer_names = [buffer_names] nr_items = 0 ds = [] with h5py.File(file_name, 'w') as f: f.attrs.create('info', get_brainstorm_info()) f.attrs.create('format', b'Buffers file v1.0') for _ in run_network(network, iterator, all_inputs=False): network.forward_pass() first_pass = False if len(ds) > 0 else True for num, buffer_name in enumerate(buffer_names): data = network.get(buffer_name) if num == 0: nr_items += data.shape[1] if first_pass: ds.append(f.create_dataset( buffer_name, data.shape, data.dtype, chunks=data.shape, maxshape=(data.shape[0], None) + data.shape[2:])) ds[-1][:] = data else: ds[num].resize(size=nr_items, axis=1) ds[num][:, nr_items - data.shape[1]:nr_items, ...] = data
[docs]def get_in_out_layers(task_type, in_shape, out_shape, data_name='default', targets_name='targets', projection_name=None, outlayer_name=None, mask_name=None, use_conv=None): """Prepare input and output layers for building a network. This is a helper function for quickly building networks. It returns an ``Input`` layer and a projection layer which is a ``FullyConnected`` or ``Convolution2D`` layer depending on the shape of the targets. It creates a mask layer if a mask name is provided, and connects it appropriately. An appropriate layer to compute the matching loss is connected, depending on the task_type: classification: The projection layer is connected to a SoftmaxCE layer, which receives targets from the input layer. This is suitable for a single-label classification task. multi-label: The projection layer is connected to a SigmoidCE layer, which receives targets from the input layer. This is suitable for a multi-label classification task. regression: The projection layer is connected to a SquaredError layer, which receives targets from the input layer. This is suitable for least squares regression. Note: The projection layer uses parameters, so it should be initialized after network creation. Check argument descriptions to understand how it will be named. Example: >>> from brainstorm import tools, Network, layers >>> inp, out = tools.get_in_out_layers('classification', 784, 10) >>> net = Network.from_layer(inp >> layers.FullyConnected(1000) >> out) Args: task_type (str): one of ['classification', 'regression', 'multi-label'] in_shape (int or tuple[int]): Shape of the input data. out_shape (int or tuple[int]): Shape of the network output. data_name (Optional[str]): Name of the input data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to 'default'. targets_name (Optional[str]): Name of the ground-truth target data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to 'targets'. projection_name (Optional[str]): Name for the projection layer which connects to the softmax layer. If unspecified, will be set to ``outlayer_name`` + '_projection' if ``outlayer_name`` is provided, and 'Output_projection' otherwise. outlayer_name (Optional[str]): Name for the output layer. If unspecified, named to 'Output'. mask_name (Optional[str]): Name of the mask data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to None. The mask is needed if error should be injected only at certain time steps (for sequential data). use_conv (Optional[bool]): Specify whether the projection layer should be convolutional. If true the projection layer will use 1x1 convolutions otherwise it will be fully connected. Default is to autodetect this based on the output shape. Returns: tuple[Layer] """ in_shape = (in_shape,) if isinstance(in_shape, int) else in_shape out_shape = (out_shape,) if isinstance(out_shape, int) else out_shape outlayer_name = outlayer_name or 'Output' projection_name = projection_name or outlayer_name + '_projection' if len(out_shape) == 1 or use_conv is False: proj_layer = layers.FullyConnected(out_shape, activation='linear', name=projection_name) elif len(out_shape) == 3 or use_conv is True: proj_layer = layers.Convolution2D(out_shape[-1], (1, 1), activation='linear', name=projection_name) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported output length {}'.format(len(out_shape))) if task_type == 'classification': out_layer = layers.SoftmaxCE(name=outlayer_name) elif task_type == 'multi-label': out_layer = layers.SigmoidCE(name=outlayer_name) elif task_type == 'regression': out_layer = layers.SquaredError(name=outlayer_name) else: raise ValueError('Unknown task type {}'.format(task_type)) proj_layer >> 'default' - out_layer if task_type == 'classification': t_shape = out_shape[:-1] + (1,) else: t_shape = out_shape if mask_name is None: inp_layer = layers.Input( out_shapes={data_name: ('T', 'B') + in_shape, targets_name: ('T', 'B') + t_shape}) inp_layer - targets_name >> 'targets' - out_layer out_layer - 'loss' >> layers.Loss() else: inp_layer = layers.Input( out_shapes={data_name: ('T', 'B') + in_shape, targets_name: ('T', 'B') + t_shape, mask_name: ('T', 'B', 1)}) mask_layer = layers.Mask() inp_layer - targets_name >> 'targets' - out_layer out_layer - 'loss' >> mask_layer >> layers.Loss() inp_layer - mask_name >> 'mask' - mask_layer return inp_layer, proj_layer
def get_network_info(network): """Returns detailed information about the network as a string. Args: network (brainstorm.structure.Network): A network for which the details are printed. """ network_string = "" network_string += 'total number of parameters: ' network_string += str(network.buffer.parameters.size) + "\n" for layer in network.layers.values(): network_string += + "\n" num_params = 0 for view in network.buffer[].parameters.keys(): view_size = network.buffer[].parameters[view].size view_shape = network.buffer[].parameters[view].shape network_string += '\t' + str(view) + str(view_shape) + "\n" num_params += view_size network_string += 'number of parameters:' + str(num_params) + "\n" network_string += 'input shapes:' + "\n" for view in layer.in_shapes.keys(): network_string += '\t' + str(view) network_string += str(layer.in_shapes[view].feature_shape) + "\t" network_string += "\n" network_string += 'output shapes:' + "\n" for view in layer.out_shapes.keys(): network_string += '\t' + str(view) network_string += str(layer.out_shapes[view].feature_shape) + "\t" network_string += "\n" network_string += '-' * 80 + "\n" return network_string # ############################# Net from Spec ################################# act_funcs = { 's': 'sigmoid', 't': 'tanh', 'r': 'rel', 'l': 'linear' } def F(args): if args and args[0] in act_funcs: activation = act_funcs[args[0]] args = args[1:] else: activation = 'rel' size = args[0] assert isinstance(size, int), "{}".format(size) return layers.FullyConnected(size, activation=activation) def B(args): assert not args return layers.BatchNorm() def D(args): if args: assert isinstance(args[0], float), "{}".format(args[0]) return layers.Dropout(drop_prob=args[0]) else: return layers.Dropout() def R(args): if args and args[0] in act_funcs: activation = act_funcs[args[0]] args = args[1:] else: activation = 'tanh' size = args[0] assert isinstance(size, int), "{}".format(size) return layers.Recurrent(size, activation=activation) def L(args): if args and args[0] in act_funcs: activation = act_funcs[args[0]] args = args[1:] else: activation = 'tanh' size = args[0] assert isinstance(size, int), "{}".format(size) return layers.Lstm(size, activation=activation) def C(args): if args and args[0] in act_funcs: activation = act_funcs[args[0]] args = args[1:] else: activation = 'rel' assert (len(args) >= 2 and isinstance(args[0], int) and isinstance(args[1], int)), '{}'.format(args) num_filters, kernel = args[:2] args = args[2:] padding = 0 stride = 1 while args: assert args[0] in 'ps', '{}'.format(args) if args[0] == 'p': padding = args[1] args = args[2:] elif args[0] == 's': stride = args[1] args = args[2:] return layers.Convolution2D(num_filters, (kernel, kernel), stride=(stride, stride), padding=padding, activation=activation) def P(args): pool_types = { 'm': 'max', 'a': 'avg', } if args[0] in pool_types: pool = pool_types[args[0]] args = args[1:] else: pool = 'max' assert args and isinstance(args[0], int), '{}'.format(args) kernel = args[0] args = args[1:] padding = 0 stride = 1 while args: assert args[0] in 'ps', '{}'.format(args) if args[0] == 'p': padding = args[1] args = args[2:] elif args[0] == 's': stride = args[1] args = args[2:] return layers.Pooling2D((kernel, kernel), type=pool, stride=(stride, stride), padding=padding) def create_layer(layer_type, args): return { 'F': F, 'B': B, 'R': R, 'L': L, 'D': D, 'C': C, 'P': P }[layer_type](args) def trynumber(a): try: return int(a) except ValueError: try: return float(a) except ValueError: return a
[docs]def create_net_from_spec(task_type, in_shape, out_shape, spec, data_name='default', targets_name='targets', mask_name=None, use_conv=None): """ Create a complete network from a spec line like this "F50 F20 F50". Spec: Capital letters specify the layer type and are followed by arguments to the layer. Supported layers are: * F : FullyConnected * R : Recurrent * L : Lstm * B : BatchNorm * D : Dropout * C : Convolution2D * P : Pooling2D Where applicable the optional first argument is the activation function from the set {l, r, s, t} corresponding to 'linear', 'relu', 'sigmoid' and 'tanh' resp. FullyConnected, Recurrent and Lstm take their size as mandatory arguments (after the optional activation function argument). Dropout takes the dropout probability as an optional argument. Convolution2D takes two mandatory arguments: num_filters and kernel_size like this: 'C32:3' or with activation 'Cs32:3' meaning 32 filters with a kernel size of 3x3. They can be followed by 'p1' for padding and/or 's2' for a stride of (2, 2). Pooling2D takes an optional first argument for the type of pooling: 'm' for max and 'a' for average pooling. The next (mandatory) argument is the kernel size. As with Convolution2D it can be followed by 'p1' for padding and/or 's2' for setting the stride to (2, 2). Whitespace is allowed everywhere and will be completely ignored. Examples: The mnist_pi example can be expressed like this: >>> net = create_net_from_spec('classification', 784, 10, ... 'D.2 F1200 D F1200 D') The cifar10_cnn example can be shortened like this: >>> net = create_net_from_spec( ... 'classification', (3, 32, 32), 10, ... 'C32:5p2 P3s2 C32:5p2 P3s2 C64:5p2 P3s2 F64') Args: task_type (str): one of ['classification', 'regression', 'multi-label'] in_shape (int or tuple[int]): Shape of the input data. out_shape (int or tuple[int]): Output shape / nr of classes spec (str): A line describing the network as explained above. data_name (Optional[str]): Name of the input data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to 'default'. targets_name (Optional[str]): Name of the ground-truth target data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to 'targets'. mask_name (Optional[str]): Name of the mask data which will be provided by a data iterator. Defaults to None. The mask is needed if error should be injected only at certain time steps (for sequential data). use_conv (Optional[bool]): Specify whether the projection layer should be convolutional. If true the projection layer will use 1x1 convolutions otherwise it will be fully connected. Default is to autodetect this based on the output shape. Returns: The constructed network initialized with DenseSqrtFanInOut for layers with activation function and a simple Gaussian default and fallback. """ out_shape = (out_shape,) if isinstance(out_shape, int) else out_shape inp, outp = get_in_out_layers(task_type, in_shape, out_shape, data_name=data_name, mask_name=mask_name, targets_name=targets_name, use_conv=use_conv) output_name = 'Output.outputs.predictions' import re LAYER_TYPE = r'\s*(?P<layer_type>[A-Z]+)\s*' FLOAT = r'\s*[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+\s*' ARG = r'\s*([a-z]|{float})\s*[:/|]?\s*'.format(float=FLOAT) ARG_LIST = r'(?P<args>({arg})*)'.format(arg=ARG) ARCH_SPEC = r'({type}{args})'.format(type=LAYER_TYPE, args=ARG_LIST) # spec = re.sub(r'\s', '', spec) # remove whitespace current_layer = inp for m in re.finditer(ARCH_SPEC, spec): layer_type ='layer_type') args = re.split(ARG,'args'))[1::2] args = [trynumber(a) for a in args if a != ''] current_layer >>= create_layer(layer_type, args) net = Network.from_layer(current_layer >> outp) net.output_name = output_name init_dict = { name: initializers.DenseSqrtFanInOut(l.activation) for name, l in net.layers.items() if hasattr(l, 'activation') } init_dict['default'] = initializers.Gaussian() init_dict['fallback'] = initializers.Gaussian() net.initialize(init_dict) return net
# ------------------------ Data Tools --------------------------------------- # def shuffle_data(*args, **kwargs): """ Shuffle numpy arrays along the second dimension. Args: *args (numpy.ndarray): arrays to be shuffled. seed (Optional[int]): seed to make the shuffle reproducible Returns: list[numpy.ndarray]: list of shuffled arrays """ rnd = np.random.RandomState(kwargs.get('seed', None)) idxs = np.arange(args[0].shape[1]) rnd.shuffle(idxs) return [None if A is None else A[:, idxs] for A in args] def split(*args, **kwargs): """ Split numpy arrays into several parts according to a ratio. Args: *args (numpy.ndarray): arrays to be split. ratios (iterable[float]): ratios of sizes for the splits. Defaults to (9, 1) Returns: list of list of arrays. Eg for 2 splits of 3 arrays A, B, and C you'd get [(A1, B1, C1), (A2, B2, C2)]. """ N = args[0].shape[1] ratios = kwargs.get('ratios', (9, 1)) normalized_ratios = np.array(ratios) / np.sum(ratios) split_idxs = np.round(np.cumsum(normalized_ratios) * N).astype( split_idxs = np.hstack([[0], split_idxs]) all_splits = [] for start, stop in zip(split_idxs[:-1], split_idxs[1:]): all_splits.append([None if A is None else A[:, start:stop] for A in args]) return all_splits