Source code for brainstorm.describable

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
This module provides the core functionality for describing objects.

In brainstorm most objects can be converted into a so called description using
the :func:`get_description` function.
A description is a JSON-serializable data structure that contains all `static`
information to re-create that object using the :func:`create_from_description`
function. It does not, however, contain any `dynamic` information.
This means that an object created from a description is in the same state as
if it had been freshly instantiated, without any later modifications of its
internal state.

The descriptions for the basic types ``int``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``str``,
``list`` and ``dict`` are these values themselves. Other objects need to
inherit from :class:`Describable` and their description is always a ``dict``
containing the ``'@type': 'ClassName'`` key possibly along with other
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import six

from brainstorm.utils import get_inheritors

[docs]class Describable(object): """ Base class for all objects that can be described and initialized from a description. Derived classes can specify the :attr:`__undescribed__` field to prevent certain attributes from being described. This field can be either a set of attribute names, or a dictionary mapping attribute names to their initialization value (used when a new object is created from the description). Derived classes can also specify an :attr:`__default_values__` dict. This dict allows for omitting certain attributes from the description if their value is equal to that default value. """ __undescribed__ = {} """ Set or dict of attributes that should not be part of the description. If specified as a dict, then these attributes are initialized to the specified values. """ __default_values__ = {} """ Dict of attributes with their corresponding default values. They will only be part of the description if their value differs from their default value """
[docs] def __describe__(self): """ Returns a description of this object. That is a dictionary containing the name of the class as ``@type`` and all members of the class. This description is json-serializable. If a sub-class of Describable contains non-describable members, it has to override this method to specify how it should be described. Returns: dict: Description of this object """ description = {} ignorelist = self.__get_all_undescribed__() defaultlist = self.__get_all_default_values__() for member, value in self.__dict__.items(): if member in ignorelist: continue if member in defaultlist and defaultlist[member] == value: continue try: description[member] = get_description(value) except TypeError as err: err.args = (err.args[0] + "[{}.{}]".format( self.__class__.__name__, member),) raise description['@type'] = self.__class__.__name__ return description
[docs] def __new_from_description__(cls, description): """ Creates a new object from a given description. If a sub-class of Describable contains non-describable fields, it has to override this method to specify how they should be initialized from their description. Args: description (dict): description of this object Returns: A new instance of this class according to the description. """ assert cls.__name__ == description['@type'], \ "Description for '{}' has wrong type '{}'".format( cls.__name__, description['@type']) instance = cls.__new__(cls) for member, init_val in cls.__get_all_undescribed__().items(): instance.__dict__[member] = deepcopy(init_val) for member, default_val in cls.__get_all_default_values__().items(): instance.__dict__[member] = deepcopy(default_val) for member, descr in description.items(): if member == '@type': continue instance.__dict__[member] = create_from_description(descr) cls.__init_from_description__(instance, description) return instance
[docs] def __init_from_description__(self, description): """ Subclasses can override this to provide additional initialization when created from a description. This method will be called AFTER the object has already been created from the description. Args: description (dict): the description of this object """ pass
@classmethod def __get_all_undescribed__(cls): ignore = {} for c_ignore in _traverse_ancestor_attrs(cls, '__undescribed__'): if isinstance(c_ignore, dict): ignore.update(c_ignore) elif isinstance(c_ignore, set): ignore.update({k: None for k in c_ignore}) return ignore @classmethod def __get_all_default_values__(cls): default = {} for c_default in _traverse_ancestor_attrs(cls, '__default_values__'): if isinstance(c_default, dict): default.update(c_default) return default
[docs]def get_description(this): """ Create a JSON-serializable description of this object. This description can be used to create a new instance of this object by calling :func:`create_from_description`. Args: this (Describable): An object to be described. Must either be a basic datatype or inherit from Describable. Returns: A JSON-serializable description of this object. """ if isinstance(this, Describable): return this.__describe__() elif isinstance(this, (list, tuple)): result = [] try: for i, v in enumerate(this): result.append(get_description(v)) except TypeError as err: err.args = (err.args[0] + "[{}]".format(i),) raise return result elif isinstance(this, np.ndarray): return this.tolist() elif isinstance(this, dict): result = {} try: for k in this: result[k] = get_description(this[k]) except TypeError as err: err.args = (err.args[0] + "[{}]".format(k),) raise return result elif (isinstance(this, (bool, float, type(None))) or isinstance(this, six.integer_types) or isinstance(this, six.string_types)): return this else: raise TypeError('Type: "{}" is not describable'.format(type(this)))
[docs]def create_from_description(description): """ Instantiate a new object from a description. Args: description (dict): A description of the object. Returns: A new instance of the described object """ if isinstance(description, dict): if '@type' in description: name = description['@type'] for describable in get_inheritors(Describable): if describable.__name__ == name: return describable.__new_from_description__(description) raise TypeError('No describable class "{}" found!'.format(name)) else: return {k: create_from_description(v) for k, v in description.items()} elif (isinstance(description, (bool, float, type(None))) or isinstance(description, six.integer_types) or isinstance(description, six.string_types)): return description elif isinstance(description, list): return [create_from_description(d) for d in description] raise TypeError('Invalid description of type {}'.format(type(description)))
def _traverse_ancestor_attrs(cls, attr_name): for c in reversed(cls.__mro__): if hasattr(c, attr_name): yield getattr(c, attr_name)